Hi All,
Here's a little model I made last week, constructed from 12" barbeque skewers for leading, trailing edges and spars , a few sheets of 1/16 balsa, a 3mm carbon rod. Wingspan is 25" and using 3 hobbyking 5 grm servos(aileron, elevator, rudder), hobbyking motor and 10 amp speed control.
It fits an 800mah 2s lipo in the fuse up front and is good for 10 mins+ flight time. Prop is an 8x6 inch attached using propsaver. The wing is symmetrical in section. Flying weight is 200g.
I have to say this is the best small model I have ever flown, even in strong wind it is easy to handle and very manouverable capable of walking speeds or zooming around. If anyone is interested in building one I would supply more details. It's a simple build as the built up tail feathers can be replaced with balsa sheet.