I'm an expert builder (in my dreams), so expert that I need an extensive knowledge of glue solvents in order to fix all the mistakes I make during the building process.
I've used gorilla glue on and off for this and that, but only recently one of the lads (Jim) shared this nugget with me - vinegar softens gorilla glue.
I had yet another building mistake to rectify, on a ply sided model, so I gave this a go.
I was amazed, after a very short period of time (minutes) the glue joint had softened enough to get a blade into the joint and after that the joint pretty much came away in my hand. I'm not sure how well this would work for separating balsa or foam joined with gorilla glue, but for ply or hardwood from balsa it really works a treat.
I had clear distilled malt vinegar to hand, so that is what I used. I brushed it liberally over the joint using a 1/2 inch brush, and waited.
Don't try this if you're feeling hungry though, for obvious reasons. Aroma still lingering, SWMBO still doesn't believe me, she thinks I had a secret stash of chips in the workshop...