Very cool, what are you going to program it to do? Are you planning on putting any sensors on it?
I have been meaning to get into arduinos for a while now (I am a software developer by day). I have a raspberrypi sitting around here that I want to get the servo driver board for as I much prefer coding in python than C but the ecosystem around arduino for building bots is so much bigger.
I have an idea in the back of my head for a bot that plays with your pets (dog) controlled over the internet (they get lonely when you are at work all day) and it would also double up as a good security device.
Keep us updated on your robot, I have a similar toy rc car that I use this with for messing around the house when its too windy to fly, have a few micro quads that I intended to use it with indoors but they just aren't stable enough (cough, I'm not good enough a pilot) for indoor flight in small rooms.