Here’s a little tale to wake you slope soarers up from you hibernation.
A couple of weeks ago, Big Keith and myself made our way to the big L. Unfortunately, when I got there , while I was going my pre flight checks I noticed that the right tail plane was broken away from the fuse’. I don’t know when it had happened. Maybe I’d had a rough landing the previous time out, or maybe it was “Hanger Rash”. Whatever the cause I wasn’t going to flying the Phase 6 that day.
When I got home I repaired it. A couple of days ago I flew the model and it was fine.
Today, once again on my favourite slope, the weather was very gusty. I brought the P6 in to land. The winds were gusting quite strongly. Suddenly her nose pitched up. She gained some height and started blowing backwards towards the trees. I pushed the elevator forward in an attempt to get her nose down and allow her to make some headway into the strong wind. Well, she pitched down all right but didn’t loose much height or progress forward much and ended up,… the BLOODY TREES !!! ( I haven’t had that happen for a good few years.)
Fortunately she wasn’t too high in the branches, but in the process of getting her down,……I broke the left tail plane! Oh Bugger!
There! That’s put a little smile on your faces hasn’t it. So start considering getting those modes out of the hanger and checking them over. After all, it’s only a couple of weekends away from the first Glide-In of the year. Ypieeeee. (That should read ‘Yipeeeee’)( I thought I’d just point that out in case Mr. Buckley picks me up on it. )
Little Keith