Author Topic: Where to find/meet other flyers.  (Read 9399 times)


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Where to find/meet other flyers.
« on: January 20, 2014, 23:27:35 PM »
Hi all, I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

I have only been flying since March of last year but like to think I have done a good bit since then ;) I have a few ARTF foamies and have scratch built a blue baby, izicraft, zagnutz wing and numerous micro ~60cm wingspan planes, pushers and pullers, cambered, symmetrical, kfm and flat wings. You could say I have become a bit addicted to this hobby (much to my gf's disliking), I have also dabbled a bit in FPV.

I am getting a bit bored of just flying by myself all the time and wondering if there is anywhere where people get together to fly their electric foamies? I have been down to the Curragh and met the very friendly guys there, however they all fly big nitro planes and wouldn't let me fly without joining the club and doing some training. I may not be the best pilot but I think at this stage I have destroyed enough planes to know how to keep them up in the air, that and I normally fly 2-3 times a week solo (it helps working beside a big open field).

My latest build is a 3ch 65cm wingspan, twin boom polyhedral pusher with fpv using the walkera tx5805, its only a 25mw transmitter so not really expecting more than a 100meter range on video but I am thinking of putting a circularly polarized antenna on there to maybe push that out a bit more, I am also thinking of putting together a helical antenna for my groundstation.

So far I have never flown with anyone for more than 30 seconds, when I built my brother a blu baby (which he crashed and lost interest in). I understand some people just don't get the same buzz out of flying that I do.

Anyway if there is anyone out there in a  similar situation I would love to get in touch to chat about building or to go fly together.



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« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 14:24:36 PM »
Hey Justin,

Welcome to the forum :)

I am not sure I can be of any help, but where do you live?

I have heard that some modelers, not from an official club, are meeting in the Curragh for some impromptu flying.

The "problem" if I can say, with power flying, is that you will most certainly be asked to join a club to use the facilities.

When I fly planes, I go to the slope on a calm day :) I mainly fly my Funcub, so it's all terrain.
I also go down to the beach, but I agree, it is sometimes a pain to always be alone :(
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 23:12:45 PM »
I'm based just outside of Naas. Here is a pic of aforementioned micro I just finished, excuse the very messy desk, was in work late tonight and really wanted to get this prototype finished. I am hoping there is enough polyhedral in the wing for this thing to auto level because its only a 3 channel. She is a little bit tail heavy atm which means I am mounting a 500mah lipo right at the tip of the nose, but hopefully when the 9gram tx5805 gets here it should take care of that problem.

Going to give it the maiden in the morning :D

Happy Days

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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 22:46:37 PM »
Hey Justin, looks like you’ve done a fair bit of work on that twin fuse’ pusher. :D  Let us know how the first flight went. It was quite a calm day down here in Co. Wexford, hope it was where you are too.

There are loads of people who fly small powered foamies. The trouble is, like you, they tend to fly them in local fields or parks. I don’t know of any club for people who just fly those type of models I’m afraid. :(
I suppose you could always try Phoenix Park, although I think you’d have to become a member there too.

(I’m surprised your gl doesn’t join you for some flights, 8) ……but then you might find yourselves getting divorced even before you’ve got married!!! So perhaps it‘s better she doesn‘t. :wink: )

Maybe you could broaden your horizons a little. Try slope soaring as well as powered foamies. You never know,….you might find you enjoy it. 8)

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 08:16:48 AM »
Model looking good  :clap:
So how went the flight?

Build in Depron, right?  :?:
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2014, 08:27:02 AM »
Hi all, The wing and main fuselage is built with 5mm depron, small carbon fibre spars for the two booms. The maiden wasn't great, the vertical stabilisers did not have enough authority to control the model properly. I am going to rebuild it with an inverted v tail with larger control services, I think the fiddly push rod joining the two vertical stabilisers is causing most of the issues with the current configuration as it is right in line behind the prop.

Weather has been terrible recently though so I have mainly been flying my v949 micro quad fpv indoors.

Will upload some more pics of the model when rebuilt and also a new 120cm slope soarer I have in the works ;)