For sure, it was a little bit chilly on the west slope of Mt. Lienster this morning, and despite the rest of the mountain being covered in cloud the west facing slope was clear, and for most of the time, bathed in very welcome sunshine.
Here is Patricks’ finished Zagi. Those winglets are very conspicuous when she is in flight. Useful for knowing which way up she is. And she certainly flew……….
It must be said that conditions were a little ‘challenging’ for a newbie today. Average wind speeds at the top of the slope were around 25Kph gusting to 50 - 60 K. in addition, underneath some of the surrounding cloud there was a fair bit of turbulence. But Hey! We slopers are made of hardy stuff. We can take it, can’t we. (Can’t we??? :? )
Well Patrick & I did anyway. Alas the new Zagi took a particularly hefty ‘crunch’ into the hill side and needed hospitalization, :cry: so the old and trusty Skua was pressed into service.
We flew for about two hours almost without a break. (Well, I took the breaks,…..while Patrick walked up and down the slope retrieving the models.
) It was good to get out there again. To feel the wind in my face, observe the fantastic views and draw that pure, fresh air into my lungs.
It proved to be a good time. I went home confident in the knowledge that I haven’t forgotten how to fly these models, and Patrick went home wearing the silliest of grims which spread from one ear the other! :lol:
Who will care to join us next time?
Keith (Little)