I knew a Solange too :lol:
Oh, so you knew a “Solange” too,………..don’t tell me,…..she tried to throw You off a hill!!! :lol: :lol:
I’ve been looking for something to play with in the workshop during the forthcoming ‘ inclement months.’ :!: I happened to come across "CloudModels” and from there I found the Solange. :?:
It looks very much like Phase 6 with a V tail. The wing span is almost exactly the same, it’s also a single piece wing made of foam covered with obechie, just as the P6 is. the Manual doesn’t say what the airfoil is.
My main concern is the sub fin that sticks out of the bottom of the tail. I can see that getting ripped off.
Might get myself one just for the hell of it.
I tried looking through RCG, didn’t see anything. I couldn’t be bothered to scroll through all the topics and I couldn’t find a “search” facility. Never mind.
Don’t know whether to leave the full length ailerons, or split them to make a full house wing. Hmmmmm……
Yes Fred, I know AIRBRAKES! AIRBRAKES!! :roll: