Author Topic: Is this the biggest glider in IRELAND  (Read 5028 times)

skyhawk newbie

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Is this the biggest glider in IRELAND
« on: August 23, 2013, 23:37:46 PM »
A Friend has built a 8meter Musger glider, took him 6 months to build.

We think it's the biggest model glider in Ireland.

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hpi Baja

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Is this the biggest glider in IRELAND
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 00:10:31 AM »
Hey Sean,....long time no hear

Well, what to say about such a massive glider? 8)  Pretty impressive to say the least! :clap:  :clap:

Good piece of music to accompany it too. (Wagner was always good at dramatic music.)

Bet the pilots’ heart was in his mouth during the flight. All that work with nothing underneath it but air! :shock:  

Hope I’m wrong, but as we didn’t see the landing, I’m assuming it was a bit bumpy, was it?

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.

skyhawk newbie

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Is this the biggest glider in IRELAND
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2013, 00:53:12 AM »
Hi Kieth
Sorry I've not been on the forum much,I still fly my gliders(was at the Kerry fly in),but spend more time flying my EDf jets :oops:

Yep, the landing was a lot quicker then I thought it would be,hence no film of the landing,but the Musger landed in one piece.Due to the size it has to be taken apart to moved after landing , the first flight was great, very little triming was needed .(we think it needs more nose weight,maybe another few pounds) It was nice to see it flying after the months of building and as you know it's allways heart in mouth when you launch a larger glider like this.
If it had gone wrong there was no way of getting it back,it would of been down on the cliffs or even the sea off the Old Head of Kinsale(Cork)
We'll be lucky if we get to fly it again this year, as we had to build a trailer just to transport it and then get enough people to help launch it.
But hears hoping. The weather has been $hite down in Cork for slope soaring, no SSW winds off the Old head.So very little slope flying this year so far..

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hpi Baja

skyhawk newbie

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Is this the biggest glider in IRELAND
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 12:05:36 PM »
Only took some 6 months of intensive building.(about 40hrs a week)
Special jigs were designed and built to keep her straight until the sheeting was installed on the fuselage.
Geodetic crossbracing in the fuselage to keep her straight and true (not on plans - builders addition)

Fuselage made in two vertical halves and comprises light ply formers covered in balsa sheet then light weave fibreglass cloth put on with water based varnish then spray painted.
Wingspan 7.82 metres.
Weight 19.8 kilos.
Twin dual diversity receivers with electronic battery backup.
Colour scheme is a parody on the original designer, Erwin Musger, who designed gliders for future Luftwaffe pilots to train in;
hence the Deaths Head Squadron (TOTENKOPF GESCHWADER) insignia.

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hpi Baja