The first thing was to figure out how to repair fibreglass.... I found a method on line that didn't involve large patches of fibreglass, the steps were as follows.
Mark up lines on the fuse for cutting :shock: :shock:
Cut slots into the fuse with a craft saw or dremmel
this was the interesting bit using carbon thread, (Carbon Tow) bought on ebay :wink: , cut lengths and lay them in the cut slots as shown.
Using CA glue, glue each carbon thread in place. The glue used was from my car racing days and was a little two runny but did the job
When the CA is dry, using a sanding block, sand down the fuse where the carbon was glued, it comes away really easily with the sand paper; you'll see the threads on the ground in this photo.
Now the messy bit, using Isopon car body filler, smear the area with the filler, follow the instructions on the tub closely, the first batch i made up was far to fast drying so a second attempt worked fine.
I got this in halfords.
The area covered with isopon
This is messy but go with it.
the next thing once that had gone off was to sand this down... I used a small mouse type sander on this to get an even and smooth finish, needless to say go easy with a power sander near a model plane, a split second lapse of concentration and you can really cause some damage :cry: :cry:
Any way sanded down and ready for painting....
These steps were taken on a number of other parts of the fuse and all went well.....
sincere thanks to all who helped in getting this far....