Hi All,
Is it me being fussy...?
I'm in the process of fitting a couple of aileron servos.
As normal, you plug them into the RX and make sure you've got them centred before fitting the nylon lever thingy so that is centred as well.
Now these two servos are different, even when plugged into the same RX output to centre them, with all controls and trims centred.
One servo you can fit the output lever exactly at 90 degrees to the servo, but with the other servo it's either just one way or just the other, only moving it one 'cog' on the splined output shaft at a time.
I've tried different nylon levers with no difference, as you would expect.
This is annoying as it means the trims on the transmitter have to be always off centre, or set up the push rods to compensate, but this will give different control surface movement at the extremes of travel.
This isn't the first time. I have other servos that are the same 'off centre'.
So is it just me being picky? Do servos all vary like this?
Should I just bung it together and stop moaning? :oops: