A pretty good time we had, didn’t we lads!
Big Keith, Elaine, little Keith (me), & Brendan. What a foursome! :twisted: (……..NO, not that sort of foursome you perverts! :oops: :oops: )
Big Keith decided to fly his Zagi on the westerly 20’ish Kph winds
While Brendan managed to keep my Skua airborne in the blue skies over Big L. this afternoon. Well, most of the time he did! (Doesn't he look such a cool dude in those glasses and cap, Don't you think
Er, perhaps on second thoughts........)
We were all enjoying ourselves so much that Big Keith’s better half, Elaine, was sufficiently impressed to ask to have a go. Good woman yourself Elaine.
...............Take note Roisin and Diane :wink: (Okay, Elaine didn’t actually fly any models, but she will do!)
The sun shone, the wind whistled, the birds twittered, Brendan complained that there wasn’t enough lift :roll: and B. Keith complained there was too much. :!: (Normal day at the slope) Here we are enjoying ourselves:- The Three Amigos? or the Good the Bad and the Ugly!? :?: You decide for yourselves
Then came the hail stones.
Great balls of ice falling at 20m/sec. Dam painful! We all ran for the cars! But then the sun came out again.
Oh, the joys of slope soaring.B. Keith conjured up the courage to attempt a proper approach and landing, (rather than the previous method he’d been using of simply ditching his combat wing into mother earth. His first attempt was,…..how can I say this nicely??? Well let’s just say it wasn’t very successful.
But his second attempt was really rather good! Mean while Brendan had been learning how to ‘bank & yank’ the Skua. The two of them will be fighting combat soon.
All in all it was a very pleasent Sunday afternoon. We must do it again sometime.
Keith (Little version)
ps thanks to B Keith and Elain for some of the pictures. (Oppps that should read Elaine :oops: )