Hi David, I’m a fellow Brit.

I came from Kent. Well that’s not quite true, actually I came from my mother, but she was living in Kent at the time of my birth.
Anyway, I moved to my present abode in County Wexford in 2004.
We love to see other pilots’ models on this forum,

(we’re a bunch of voyeurs really, well maybe not quite all of us!)
So if you’re popping over the pond next year why not pop over the Irish Sea as well and drop in and see us. We’re reasonably civilized, when sober, and always welcome visitors.
I’m not into scale myself but I love Chris Foss. :shock: I’m flying my third Phase 6 at the moment. The previous two had to be used for kindling during the very cold winter we had.

Again that’s not quite true,………but the truth is a long story, if you know what I mean.
So, welcome ol’ fruit,…….and show us what U got! :wink: