Well, here is another construction from a froggy.
You may not know the J8M Shusui, but many people interested in airplanes heard about the Me163 Komet. Shusui is indeed the Japenese version of this aircraft.
I started the building of the kit on december 2011, on a peaceful part of the web... Here is the picture of the kit (from topp-rippin):
Wingspan is 95cm, so small...
I wish to use it as a PSS, but I would like to keep the possibility to motorize it with a rocket-powder engine, like on this video:
Construction began by fitting the canopy on the fuselage:
Then, I built a rudder in structure to make this glider more realistic:
I also opened wing root to insert the wing in the fuselage:
And after assembly, not a very good surprise:
Wing fairing is not acceptable in these conditions... I'll need to put some polyester to fill in this gulf!
On benoit (the pope) advices, and to lighten as much as possible the glider, I decided to dig the lower surface of the wing (sheeting is made of Obechi) and the fin:
Now the wing fairing is done, elevons have been cutted off and re-built in balsa structure. Primer has been sprayed, I wish I'll be able to paint it this week. New pictures upcoming soon!