Apologies for not keeping up.
About 4 months ago I had a sudden and severe pain.
Cut long story short... I was eventually whizzed up to hospital in Cork with an aortic aneurism, right up near the heart.
Straight into ICU.
So, been 'doing nothing' like a good boy while taking blood pressure lowering pills.
Latest C/T scan shows the main problem has virtually healed, but there is a smaller secondary 'problem' that informed opinion says needs a plastic pipe and two jubilee clips.
No that's not right.
Needs a stent.
So waiting on the consultant's appointment system.....
Hence the doubt about getting to Big L.
Flying two at once may pose a slight problem, especially as I've only got one transmitter :?
(And one head, and that's not much good at flying one at a time)
But maybe following someone else's glider.......
One good thing is, it's got a brilliant Return To Home function.
Hit the switch and it flies back and lands itself.
Does that with signal failure too.
Now if I could just get a glider to do that