I priced the wood to line the inside walls plus floor the loft storage area and got a massive shock :!:
Looks like it will be up on £500 thats €625 for you men down South
I know how you feel Richard. 30 years ago, (christ, that makes me feel old

) I recond on fitting out the loft of my house to become a workshop, (Man Cave of it’s day). In my head I estimated it would cost 50 -60 quid.
When I came to do it, just laying a wooden floor on top of the joists cost me £80. Then I had to line + insulate the underside of the roof & put in the work benches + wiring. I ran out of money, and had to wait a couple of months before I could finish it.
Just to end this uncalled for tale, when it was finished it turned out to be bloody hot up there in the summer, and freezing cold in the winter and cost wise it wouldn’t have worked out much less than building a shed in the rear garden.
You’ve made the right choice Richard, believe me. :wink: