Alright, time to build something!
Got a fuselage for the B4 a little while ago from Frederic (fully paid in Guinness and various other beverages that make you happy after a few...) and if you know Frederic, it is not really a bargain! :mrgreen:
Anyway, time to get some projects moving forward!
WS is about 4.3m, and plan is to have it finished by the end of the month...
Starting with the wings... I could not get some foam cut for the wings, so I took an executive decision, and draw a plan quickly to have it done in wood instead...
Easy wing to draw, took me about an hour of work. Then Laser, and 20 minutes later, got a nice kit for the wings
Materials are a mix of 3mm plywood and 3mm balsa.
Assembly is straight forward and really easy.
Spar is 8x8, false LE in 5x5 pine.
Sheeting will be done in plywood (0.4mm).
Started Wednesday, and 1/2 wing is ready to be sheeted, just waiting for the wood to arrive. Second half should be done next week and hope to have them fully sheeted next week end!
Well, that's the plan anyway!
Nothing special, have more photos of the build, I'llpost them later