So, here we go again, but this time with something a bit more relaxing !
I can't really stay long without building something, so this time, that will be a PSS !
This is a 1.20 mtrs full EPP PSS kit that we are selling at the shop ( for those who don't know !

Today, the baby left me free for 1 hour... Perfect time to go hiding in the worksop !
The kit :

First thing to do, is to give the diedrhal to the wing by sanding the wing root on a sheet of paper flat on the workbench. Easier to do it than explain !
then, everything is glued with PU glue, and the parts hold in place with tape.

I'm not going to tell you how to shape EPP, just to do it outside ! :wink:

Then, just to have a look, you can put everything together for the first time (the elevator/rudder in coroplast are just slotted together)

The wing spars are made of 6mm carbone tubes. Both are glued with PU glue in the slots already cutted in the wings. They don't like together in the middle, as this part will be glued to the fuselage, and that will be strong enough !

And a strip of tape is put on it, to stay flat when the PU expand.
The ailerons are made of profiled balsa. The first job to do is to trace them on the wings, then cut it with a razor blade.

And everything is held temporarely with tape.

Well, you can put everything together again and admire the plane that is taking shape !