Author Topic: R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland  (Read 34094 times)


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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2006, 09:05:58 AM »
In my opion I think Shamrock Soaring Rebels and Emerald Soaring Rebels are the best options so far. What does everyone elese think?


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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2006, 09:28:15 AM »
Sound cool to me (both)
But what is an Emerald ?

Sorry for my lack or Irish culture, but we can talk wine anytime !   :lol:

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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2006, 09:38:40 AM »
Why are we trying to tag "rebels" onto all the suggested names?
I'm not crazy about the rebels idea myself.

Of course we could go with something humourous or simple like:

Chilly fingers
Dublin Slopers (anyone doing dynamic soaring will like the initials!)
Hillside throwers
Slope surfers


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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2006, 09:52:18 AM »
Quote from: "Fred"
Sound cool to me (both)
But what is an Emerald ?

Sorry for my lack or Irish culture, but we can talk wine anytime !   :lol:


An emerald is green coloured joule, and people call Ireland the emerald isle because, well, because its green  :D .
As for "Rebel". If people are not happy with it we could change it to association. Shamrock Soaring Association (SSA), Emerald Soaring Association (ESA) :) .


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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2006, 10:16:35 AM »
Thanks Alan.

I think I like the rebel thing in the name.
Just to remember that we are not doing things in the normal way, but a more efficient / friendly / cheaper way.

Really hard to me to express that, and I don't know if I'm clear here.
I think about it and come back later ! Wink

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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2006, 13:35:59 PM »
Island Soaring Rebels is OK with me Fred. Do you think we should have a vote on it now.


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MACI, club names etc.
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2006, 14:04:02 PM »
Lads, firstly sorry for joining the topic late but I would like to point out a few things.

Firstly I would like to applaude Fred for a wonderful site and for stirring things up in the gliding community here.

I have only been flying for 19 years now (not a long time compared to my other friends in Cork) and have seen many things happen within the MACI, I have been glider sec several times within the 19 years.

MACI is of huge importance to ALL flyers in Ireland!

Yes MACI has rules but they are to promote and protect its members and their interests. The reason the world Ireland is not encouraged (not banned, I might add) is because a group (jets if I remember correctly) presented themselves as the offical Irish Aero Club group for an international competition. These people were not chosen by anyone other than themselves to represent Ireland at this event.
MACI offers many things to ALL of it's members.

1) Insurance cover this is the most obvious one we all see.

2) Representation to govenrment bodies seeking funding for the development of this sport.

3) Representation to govenrment bodies seeking new frequncies for its members to operate on. note he have another 5or six legal channels to operat on.

4)Representation to govenrment bodies on committees with regard to legislation concerning our use of the air.

I could go on and on but I wont, I realise that it appears they are a bunch of old fogies but in reality they are our representatives, we put them their and we are responsible for their action/inaction.

If we are really interested in promoting our activities to all, we all need to unify and work together.

I suggest that all ISR members should join the MACI, come to the MACI AGM in November and get someone elected who will represent you at nationl level.

Recently we had a glider towing session, but I was afraid to contact anyone here as MACI insurance is a prerequisite for all events in Ireland.
To date the  Clubs have looked the other way with regard to insurance, but now I feel all flyers need insurance. Insurance from other flying bodies are not suitable for flying in Ireland, i.e. if you are resident (for a period of more than 6 months) in Ireland you need Insurance that is based in Ireland.

The Cork model Aero club intends to host an aerotow and winching day over the next few months so if you are interested you are welcome but please MACI Insurance.

Before you all fall asleep one more little thing ISR is not the only gliding club in Ireland, the original rebels were the Association of Southern Soarers were here first! (long story but mail me if you want to know about it)

Please I hope that this does not insult or aggrivate anyone it it just I feel strongly about safe flying in Ireland, hopefully this will generate some useful debate on these important topics.
Clear skies and good winds
Ralph McCarthy
Cork Model Aero Club
Association of Southern Soarers (ASS)
Spots or no Spots?
Tuff Choice.


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« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2006, 14:29:56 PM »
Hey Ralph,

Happy to read from you !

To be honest with you, the main goal of having a glider club over here is to have the MACI insurance and regroups all glider guys that are actually flying without insurance / alone in their corner (whatever the reason of this choice..)
After that, the name.. personally, I don't really care if that represent Ireland or not.. I'm not even Irish..  :wink:

No really, it's to fly insured, and that open the gate to organize events...

But flying uninsured does not mean that I'm not flying safely...
And by the way, In the ISR, I'm the only one without Irish insurance (yet..). My FFAM covers me in Ireland even if I stay more than 6 month here (confirmed to me this summer during the Retroplane meeting by a Federation official..) But here is not the Pb anyway...

So yes, as soon as the club is official to the MACI, we will go to the maci meetings and try to represent the glider community interest the best we can... It's also part of the job
That's why I totally agrre to unify and join our actions, that was the plan from the start.

The main pb I think here, is the serious lack of communication between clubs and the flyers all over Ireland... To be the first, I don't really care too...Another 100% silent club exist in Ireland... Good, but Where.. Never ever heard of them... So, they did not exist for everybody else... And that's the problem.. And unfortunately, not only in Ireland...

Gliderireland web site, that's around 600 single connection a day and around 1400 pages read.. I receive contacts from all over the world about flying in Ireland, meet people on the slope and so on... Now, we are joining forces with the guys in Mount Leinster, we start to have contacts with the handglider community, we are talking of a Retroplane Ireland, a Eurotour... That's communication... And at least, from my point of view, things are moving slowly, but surely. The most important things now, is to make strong bases, and hope to join your effort as well on this way.

But that's just the beginning, and I'm of course open to everything !

Damn it, my fingers hurts !  :lol:

Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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R/C gliding club in Dublin / Ireland
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2006, 14:42:31 PM »
And if other guys want to debate with us, please do !

Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!