This thead makes me want to get covered in balsa shavings again .
Hi Chris, just do it, its great fun
So, some news about the construction. Both wings are finished in its basic structur, thus I could start to take care about the plug-in mount. The main plug in mount will be realized by a 6mm copper tube with a 4mm piano wire inside, and will go from the root rib through rib 20. Therefore, Rib 20 and 21 will be strengthen by a 1mm playwood rib glued on the balsa rib.
This work is indeed easier to do it before having glued the balsa ribs already, well I have just not made up my minde correctly before starting the construction :!: .
As soon as the ribs were glued I put first the front tube in the right position, the right dehidral is got by just putting under 15mm balsa at the end of both wings. Then I pre-fixed the tubes with some fast epoxy. The next step was to adjust the auxiliar plug-in at the rear of the wings, which is indeed much smaler, only over the first two ribs and a 4mm copper tube with a 3mm piano wire inside. Also this one is pre-fixed with fast epoxy to get it in the right position.
Now, everything can be finaly glued overnight with slow epoxy. So, if you have now a closed look on it, there is still one mistake, yes, the bias of the root ribs is to big :cry: thus I have to put some balsa on and sand it into the right angle, a kind of a botch job :roll: