Ok lets start. Today my short-kit arrived, realy good service. I immediately put it to my basment and had a closer look. When I opened the parcel the parts were nicely wrapped up in a bag
After unpacking, the parts are put together in the individual phases of construction
The parts are properly milled and some of them are alike the construction kits of childrens
and I was not able to wait, I immediately put some of them together, it fits realy well, and I just put some CA-glue where the parts comme together.
I also started the rudder fin right away
it's realy easy, in three steps its done
I red in the german forums that the fin will easily break so I will cover it with a layer of thin plywood and cut out the interior, as indicated in the plan.
Thats it for today, if there are to much errors in my english writing just correct me, I can only learn, because upright now I am not so used to the modell airplane vocabulary