Hey Ralph,
For the cnc cutting machine, this is the plan I gave to Joe (I think this is the ones he followed) :
http://grenadeindoor.modelisme.com/cnccompact.htmVery simple to make, only a few pieces to cut for the carriages!
For steppers etc, I buy my stuff from Technimaniacs in France :
http://www.technimaniacs.fr/fr/At 10 euros a stepper, you can't really beat that! And that's what I have on my cnc machine, and no problem at all, great quality and powerful!
For the card, the best ones are the MM2001, not sure where you can find them these days (Joe? :?: ), but you can buy some alternatives ones at Hobbycnc (
http://www.hobbycnc.com/ )
As for software, GMFC seems to be the one to use, but you will find alternative softwares, some free, some not, but would recommend GMFC as this is the most used (good if you need some support for setup etc etc!)
After that, you need a good power supply!
Mind you, some card have an integrated PSU (PICACHOF option for the MM2001 card for example).
Let me know if you have any questions! But Joe will certainly step in on that one