No doubt about it, we had a very good day.
I think it’s true to say that we all did a lot of chatting, a lot of laughing, and er,….oh yes,….. a lot of flying.
Conditions started off the day with strong lift which gradually, slowly, reduced over the following 6 hours enabling all types of models to fly at some point, ending with some graceful polyhedral ‘floaters’ by late afternoon. It was wonderful to see the old, and not so old, faces again and to catch up on all the gossip & scandal. Well,…not much scandal unfortunately.
Let’s see if I can name all who turned up,…….Me, then Fred, followed close behind by JP & Roisin, then Ralph, Les & Kevin showed up not long before Peter arrived. John “fireball” joined us and then Alan. :clap:
Now, everyone who’s name I have not mentioned must write out, 100 times,
“I must not miss the April Glide-In at Mount Lienster.” and spend the whole of tomorrow sitting, with arms folded, in the naughty corner! :cry:
Thanks for the photos JP,
NOT! I’m now in the doghouse after Mandy saw the photo of me with my arm around Roisin I‘ve been getting GBH of the ears all evening with
“Is THAT what you get up to when you go flying!” :roll: Hopefully I’ll still be alive tomorrow so I can finish cutting the video footage of the blue sky, models, and pilots that made today such an enjoyable event.
Thanks to everyone who turned up from all parts of the country.