You made the right choice with the eagles climber. Nice stable bird and easy to repair if you need to. :wink: She’s quite like a Multiplex Easy Glider I had some time ago.
I actually learnt to fly gliders with a combat wing. Incredibly robust, and good fun when flying ‘in combat’ with other pilots. :twisted: The only down side is that they tend to be very elevator sensitive. I had to put in loads of exponential to ‘soften’ the elevons control.
The present love of my life, apart from ‘er in doors, (I had to write that in case she reads this post :roll: ) is my Phase 6, all-be-it a much modified Phase 6, pictured here.
Anyway, enough about me,…………….whereabouts do you fly Alanm? Are you interested in flat field gliding, (thermal) or slope soaring?
We tend to have two of three Glide-Ins a year down on the Blackstairs mountains in Co. Wexford. (Mt. Lienster actually.) Next one will be due around mid March.
So there’s something to prepare yourself for.
By the way,…….Will you be having another go with your Sopwith Pup? Or did you dispose of it when you ‘ Had a rest from model flying?’
I’ve found that in this hobby you need to be very tenacious.
“If at first you don’t succeed,……repair the bugger & try again.” is the best motto. :lol:
As for the question of how long have I been flying? I flew my first model plane on the 22nd December 2007. A date that will be forever etched in my mind. It was an electric powered Cessna trainer. I managed to keep it up for about five minutes, (the plane I’m talking about Alanm :roll: ) before handing the control tx to my instructor who then landed it for me. I got my A Cert the following spring, and then discovered to gliding!!! My powered planes don’t get used very much now although it’s nice to take them up for a change.
So that’s the story…………..