Hey John,
Anyone know what gorilla glue is? I need some or something similar for a bluto wing thing.
Gorilla Glue:
Obtainable in lots of hardware stores and builders merchants in Ireland. A polyurethane glue, it’s very light and expands as it cures….so don’t put too much on the parts to be stuck. (The expanding foam that window installers use to fix windows in place is very similar.)
Bonds incredibly well provided the items to be glued are clamped tight together while the glue is curing, otherwise the items will be “pushed apart” by the expanding glue. In fact the tighter the items are held together, the stronger the bond.
It also has a slight degree of ‘give’ in it. Unlike for instance, epoxy.
Nice one Fred. Good to see some old faces again,…..and the young lady. I’m sure she wont have to ask her Daddy twice for a glider of her own!
I was out yesterday as well. West slope of the Big L.
Very light winds
, too light for the Phase 6, so I threw the Alpina off the ridge instead. Think I found a thermal
. Hope you’re reading this Fred.
I’ll just repeat that in case you missed it. I, Keith, flew in a thermal yesterday! (For the first time in years.) and I got the plane back to the landing area. Slight shock,…….I found that the crow brakes on that model are virtually ineffective in light wind conditions!! Only way to land it (after four attempts) was to make a tight turn into wind and sit her on the ground straight away.
Only three weeks to the first fly-in of the year,…..wooopppeeee