Author Topic: Forum's stats  (Read 20253 times)


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Forum's stats
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2010, 19:39:37 PM »
Well, 2010 seems to be a good year so far for the site / forum, with more than 31000 visits last month !  :shock:  (1046 visits/day average).

Thanks again for your support, and your help making GliderIreland, a nice place to be  :clap:  :clap:
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Forum's stats
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2011, 14:26:00 PM »
It's this time of the year again !  :P
Here are this year's stats for the forum / site

Well, compared to last year, we did even better ! So the Forum and the site are continuously growing since day one  :clap:

In short, this year visits are around 292000 (mainly from Ireland, France, Germany and UK, then, the rest of the World) and 3.49 millions hits  :D

I still would like to see the other sections of the forum as active as the glider ones (thanks guys!  :clap: ) but I guess the forum being part of a glider site, don't push the power guys to post.
Might change that this year, but if you have any ideas, let me know! (or maybe glider people are more chatty! more like girls really  :P ).

Once again, if you want a mail address or some web space, let me know!!

Thank you all who participate actively and make this site what it is  :clap: ,

See you in 2012 with more boring numbers!  :P
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« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2011, 10:15:42 AM »
Well, that was not expected this month, as people are supposed to spend more time flying than being on the Interweb, but this month of July saw a new high on visits with over 48000 visits (48280 to be exact :D )!  :clap:

Thank you all for your support and for making this forum the number one forum for our hobby in this country!
Once again, the gliding sections count for more than half of the visits, the rest being shared between everything else.

Now, stop spending time on the web, and go flying!  :P  :D
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« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2011, 09:37:10 AM »
It's this time of the year again folks  :D

So, I have checked the numbers for this year, and GliderIreland is definitively one of the biggest hooby website in Ireland, and number one in our particular sport  :clap:

Last month, the forum hit 10 000th messages  :clap:

Website had 586 000+ visites this year, with more than 5.1 millions hits.

And a few hundreds of emails about gliding in Ireland, tips, advices etc etc (enough to keep me busy almost every night!)
Once again, thanks to you all to make this place what it is now  :clap:  :clap:

By the way, did you know that if you type in your web browser, that will redirect you here too. In fact, replace by, that will show you the same content.

Also, as a reminder, you can have your email address if you want. Just send me a mail (comes with webmail, no limits in size, anti spam etc etc).

What's for next year? Plan is to reduce these numbers, that mean we spend more time flying than in front of a computer screen!  :P

Thanks to you all, and see you at a slope!

Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!

Happy Days

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« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2011, 11:15:45 AM »
Mind blowing numbers!  None would have been possible if you didn't administer the forum Fred, so thank you for your work.

But where are all these people? :!:  I see the same old avatars on the forum, and same old faces at the fly-ins.
I think most of those hits must have came from Leprechauns!

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2011, 11:55:00 AM »
Hey Keith,

This is what happen on pretty much all the forums.
Look at RCGroups, International forum, and in the glider sections, you always find the same 10 or so posting regularely. And that's international.
So we are not doing bad at all here in comparaison.

And some of the website articles are refenced in several websites, magazines etc etc. The Quark story as well brought a lot of people here etc etc.

We have 205 members here, from all over the World, and if you look at old posts, a big bunch of these 205 have posted things here  :D

And that's without the tons of mails I receive regarding slope soaring (and a few for IC / Leccy planes too these days...).
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Thank You
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2011, 13:05:05 PM »
As Keith says Fred, Thank You for the forum.

I much prefer GliderIreland to many of the other forums, because it is friendlier and any advice, info given is accepted and not slagged off or poo poohed.  

RCGroups is fine if you're American, but try getting sensible advice or having your opinion taken seriously if your not!  :x

RCMF started off OK, but has gone downhill for gliding.  :cry:

The French & German glider forums aren't bad but some of the Google translations are mind blowing  :shock:

So once again Fred.... Thank You  :clap:  :clap:


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« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2011, 14:15:26 PM »
Yes Fred. Thank you very much for this forum. Great place to keep in touch with everyone. I don't know what I would do without it.


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« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2011, 14:33:18 PM »
Quote from: "Alan_Perse"
Yes Fred. Thank you very much for this forum. Great place to keep in touch with everyone. I don't know what I would do without it.

Flying?  :mrgreen:

Thank you all, but I'm doing nothing really, I see that more like a team work  :D

I have to admit that I don't post much on RCG too.
When I gave a free  plan for scale airbrakes, it was like I was annoying some guys, and received insults by PMs... :evil:

For the Quarks, free plan to the modeling community, and same, had to receive PM about how wrong all the drawing was, will never fly, or I should give more stuff as PDF is not enough(!)  :!:
(a bit more than 70 Quark mini were built in France, Germany etc by the way. Quark 2m is catching up!  :D  )

Each post, you have to argue with guys who basically don't have a clue, but they have 2 billions useless posts, so they are seen as the best in the business... When they started flying gliders 2 month ago.

Most of my help and advices are now done here, or by PM from guys in RCG and other forums who are also fed up with the constant arguing.

Rant over!  :D
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« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2011, 00:53:21 AM »
just to add my tuppence worth.......thanks to fred, and everyone who has contributed over the last year. it has been pure entertainment, the advice, the banter, the photos, the mis-spellings (eh keith??). great fun all round.
looking forward to more of the same next year. oh yea, and plenty of good flying days as well!!

happy new year to ye all!!
