Well you’re exactly right Ger, :clap: it did get me into flying bigger models. Like I said, I got it off Fred. (about 3 years ago, I think :?: ).
The only ‘problem’ I found with it, is that it’s very light. Hence it doesn’t fly very well, (with me at the controls :oops: ) in windy weather, which, as you may have noticed, we tend to get rather a lot of here in Ireland.
The other ‘problem’ is that it’s not at all aerobatic. It can just about loop, although it needs a lot of height and the wings flex an awful lot. (“Clenched buttocks time,” :shock: ………if you get my drift.) And it takes ages to get a complete 360 roll.
Don’t mis-understand me,……..It’s a lovely plane for flying in light conditions or thermaling. But that’s not really my scene.
So I started looking for a more aerobatic 4mtr model. It just so happened that after I’d placed the order for the Mu28, the Alpina came up for sale at the right price as well! So now I have two ‘larger’ aerobatic models.
……….Well, not two exactly, more like one and a bit! (I still need to get a lot of the materials before I can start building the Mu!……………or maybe I‘m just a wee bit scared to start :roll: )
Incidentally Ger. Convention dictates that the first word of a sentence starts with a high case letter. You’ll find the high case keys to the lower left and right of your key board. (Just thought I’d let you know! :lol: )
Still waiting to see Tracy’s models. C’mon Tracy, show us what u got!