Hey John,
That’s a very intricate looking little model. Keep up the good work.
It might be that you already know the following, in which case ignore it, but just incase you don't :wink: ...............
Regarding powering the model………There are probably many web sites that’ll tell you how to work out the right type of motor, esc, prop & battery but for your info this is the one I use
http://www.modelmotors.cz/index.php?page=1Personally I’ve found AXI motors to be one of the best motor manufacturers, but that’s only my opinion.
If you look at the right hand side of this page you’ll see the heading “Fast Axi Set Up”
Use the drop bars to tell AXI what style of model you’re building and it’s weight and it’ll give you some suggestions of appropriate motors from it’s range.
If you then click on any of the motors that the selection has offered you, and scroll through their details, you’ll see what type of esc , battery & prop is recommended for that motor depending on what style of flying you intend to do.
Just going on from there; If you don’t want to buy an AXI motor (incidentally, most of the big European retailers sell them) then make a note of the recommended motors’ RPM/v
This is the number of rpm the motor produces per volt applied to it.
If you then want to check for a similar motor from another manufacturer then use that RPM/v figure to see what a comparable motor from, say,…Hacker, or E-flight or any other manufacturer would be. (The number of rpm per volt is a good indication of the power of the motor.)
Just before to whiz off the the AXI site,………..little more info for you. Some brushless motor manufacturers show the spec of their motors’ rpm/v as “ Kv “ (1000rpm per volt)
Good Luck