Hi Gerry, and thanks for your good wishes.
Yes, I downloaded fred’s manual and very useful it’s proved too. Interestingly it recommends a 50% aileron differential which makes this the first model in my “fleet” with aileron diff. I’d never have put that into the controls had it not been for the manual.
I’ve removed 99% of the ripples from the wing covering and I’m hoping it wont be too gusty to launch her tomorrow. Keep your figures crossed for me!
Longer days & new adventures to look forward to,…….good to be alive aint it.
Richard, you poor old darling you. As you’re a good friend I’ll tell you the secret of an old English cure for flue.
You’ll need a bottle of Aspirin and a bottle of Brandy. (Actually it’s an Anglo - French cure.)
What you have to do is rub the aspirins on your chest, :shock: and drink the bottle of Brandy.

I’m not sure how the aspirins are supposed to benefit you, but the brandy will certainly remove all feelings of being unwell! :lol:
B.T.W Richard, which slope are you taking me to when I come North in the spring?
Healthy Keith, looking forward to a good days flying tomorrow