hi dennisz, the simplest tow release of all is a 'wire-in-tube' set up. the tube is simply epoxied to the inside of the fuse at a height in the fuse that leads the wire straight onto the servo arm. a z-bend or clevis at that end of the wire connects to the arm. about 50 - 60 mm from the tip of the nose, a small verticle slot is cut in the fuse and the tube. this should be about 2mm wide.
this slot exposes where the wire is and this is where you connect your tow line. it is important that when you release the tow line, the wire should clear back from the slot completely to ensure a clean release.
the other idea comes straight out the nose and is a piece of steel or brass tube about 50 to 70mm long by 9 or 10 mm diam. this is half filled with either epoxy or a tight fitting dowel epoxied in. when set, drill through the 'filling' to take a length of tubing in which a length of wire runs back to the servo as per 1st idea. you then drill and fit a piece of 1.5mm wire across the unfilled side of the tube so that the wire sits just below the widest point of the tube. the tow wire should just sit on this cross wire in the closed position. the outer tube should be cut away below the cross wire to allow the tow line to attach. the tube should be well glued into the nose as all the pulling loads are on the tube during towing. hope this helps, gb