Ok, first of all, thank you all for coming from all over the Island! :clap:
I think it's safe to say that we had fun!

Some good laughs, good chat, good flying, good friends and some good drinks! A good mix for a great 3 days session!
Here are a few photos (sorry, not much I'm affraid, but I reached the maximum ability of my little camera :cry: )
Thursday : French contingent arrived... Straight to Bunclody and of course.. The Pub!

Next morning, things were a little less easier :wink: But good spirit, as the sun was shinning!

Friday - First day
Off to the slope, joined by Ralph, Les, John and Richard.
Flying started straight away, as conditions were very good, sun + wind (dying as the day went by, ending up the day doing thermal flying

Oh, and aperitif on the slope!
Ralph flying with a glass of Moresque in his hand :

Multitasking at his best!

It was Friday the 13th, so we had to try our luck...
Empty can on a pole, an electric flying wing, and off for a game France / Ireland. Great laugh!

We ended up with a 1-1 score and both teams agreed that we had a great time!

And off to the B&B fro a great dinner cooked by John's wife, Roisin :clap: Enough to feed a small army, and absolutely delicious!

With Ralph And Les taking the the dish washing duties very seriously :clap:

And of course, the night went on and on and on with some very good drinks and good auld chat! Last drink I remember was Punch I think... :mrgreen: