Author Topic: Multiplex Cúlaris... Maiden Flight...  (Read 3487 times)

skyhawk newbie

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Multiplex Cúlaris... Maiden Flight...
« on: September 25, 2011, 08:46:37 AM »
Bought a Cúlaris the other week off one of our club member's, as far as I could see , he'd only built it and it had never been flown...
All I needed to do was get a Tx / UBEC and a Li-Po and she was ready to go..

Well yesterday was her maiden flight ...
We went to are usual spot at the Old Head of Kinsale where we slope soar..

First flight was around 25/30 mins long , didn't need the motor to get me out over the cliff , hand launched into a 15/20mph winds and it was off , abit of down trim to get her flying level and I was sorted...
Once I got some hight I tryed crow , no more penetrating forward , it just started rising up and up and up , had to turn off crow and drop the nose to get her down... Looped OK but not great , didn't try a roll but will the next time , don't want to get to cocky with it , untill I get use to the way she fly's...
Got flaps set up , but didn't need to use them when coming in to land , she came down like a feather , if I was closer I could of done a hand catch. . .

A few photo's...

Very happy with my first flight...
Too many to name
Gliders/Planes/EDF Jets.16 total...
hpi Baja