Author Topic: Sultimate XL by Donatas Designs  (Read 6473 times)

Richard Boyd

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Sultimate XL by Donatas Designs
« on: September 16, 2011, 17:27:55 PM »
Today I emailed Donatas for the plan of the New Sultimate XL !
The proccess of getting the plan via email was very speedy, it took 15mins for the plan to arrive in my inbox.
The plan is a tyled version but if you request a full size plan then Don is able to send it this way.
The plan is super detailed and nothing that I see is missed.
The Sultimate XL is made for 3mm depron and flys amazing, it is slow yet fully 3d and can also fly super smooth on low rates.

Here is how she flys .
If you are interested then email Donatas

Mention Richard sent you and he will give you top advice and service

Richard Boyd
A bad days flying is better than a good days work.