M. Pope I have just found and read your thread here. That is an impressive model. I believe that it is a Comet 2. The Royal Air Force used to have 6 of them back in the late 50s early 60s and I was lucky enough to work on them at R.A.F. Lyneham for 5 years. Those along with the Comet 4C and Bristol Britannia. The 2s were so very simple to work on and so safe, comfortable and reliable to fly in.
I still have the scar on my right shin, called Comet leg! It was caused by me stepping into the hole that should have been the hatch to the forward equipment bay. The hatch was just inside and to the left of the crew entry on the front starboard side of the aircraft. It was in the baggage area between the cockpit and the passenger area. It was dark with few windows and one day 2 of us boarded via the crew door. My mate was talking to me and turned to say something. I was not there because I had stepped into the hole! I found it so funny that I had done such a stupid thing that I couldn't get back out for laughing!!!

Did you know that they carried 37 passengers? BOAC had a big say in their design and that is the pax load they wanted. Why?

Because the buses they used to transport the passengers out the the aircraft carried 37 people!
You have done a beautiful piece of work to produce such an aircraft and I hope that is back in the air and still flying.