Hi Guys, well this post is getting very technical, when in practice it is not!. OK let me explain, the mig29 was designed as an twin EDF model, now AUW of the EDF model was over 2.7kg, that includes two 90mm fans, two 120amp speed controllers, two b36 1800 motors, an under carriage airup/airdown, and two 5000 5cell lipo batteries, all pushed into a small foam jet. This is how the model first flew, at speed the model flew nice!! at slower speeds, ' a big brick' and yes on landing, even on a smooth runway, a pain in the ass the land!.
So i decide to convert the MiG to a PSS model. First test flight, took out all the fans units etc, so ended up with a very light foam model, which was fired off my local hill and just did not want to fly!. Lessons leaned, model has a lot of drag and the airfoil section RG14 does not create good lift at slow speeds. Next reduce drag by covering up the air intakes, also improve lift by using a glider section wing with a larger surface area. So I cut out a new set of foam wings, and yes The section I mentioned is wrong, it is a SD3012 or 3021 I need to check, glassed the wings and fuselage, and tried another flight. This time the model flew great with a good over all speed range and lands at a walking pace. The overall weight of the model is light for a PSS model I think around 1.2kg with ballast. So, I took a model which did not fly well, made a few changes to it's design and ended up with a good PSS model which flys well off the slope!