Hi Guys
Sorry, for not answering your questions, I have had a busy few days, between weddings, work and going to see Lee Evans in concert. So!!! I did a little work tonight on the wings of the Quark 2m, one side completed.
I went with the 10mm carbon option on the main spar and used the 10mm aluminum on the back( the model shop had only 2x 10mm tubes instock.
A little glue and all the spars are in place
The wings do take time to build, however you must be careful to get everything straight and level for maximum performance in flight.
Starting to sheet the wings in light balsa
Oneside of the wings finished
Not much done tonight but I should get more build time tomorrow and maybe get the wings finished.
Andrew the fuselages, build by a professional glassfibre company.
Cheers for now!