Hi guys !
Screwing this topic out of old Irish mountains !
I consider building a Quark from the short kit in September or so. I start to review all thing as the kit is on order...
One thing I have to statute before starting the wings : 2 ailerons or quadro-flaps ?
I've seen in this old topics that the discussion have been started long ago and was even the first question. I've not (yet) read everything but have you all arrived to a statement about it ? I try to have an estimation of how many quark are "quadros"...
What are plus and minus ?
Quadro plus :
- butterfly airbrakes
- fine tuned flaps curvature for flight conditions
- less flap throw than ailerons for less adverse yaw
Quadro minus:- complicated (4 servos, 4 links, Tx program)
- heavier
Best regards and happy flights !
Howdy Jean-Mi,
Ok, so, to answer quickly the question. I am only aware of 2 or 3 Quarks with Quadro (out of maybe 200+ built).
I understand the move to put Quadros, but, in this case, does that really add more to the flying? I would not be too sure.
I have to say, I never flew a Quark with Quadros, but let's say that when flying mine, I never felt the need to have "more stuff" added to it. So are the few people I talked to who are flying a Quark.
Landing? Never had any mix. Front of the wind, pull elevator, control the descent with the ailerons, done

Camber? The SB96-96VS combination is very well known. I flew thermals with the Quark, so as in big winds. Without changing anything to the wing platform. In my view, pick a good profile, polyvalent, and you are sorted. It will never be 100% in all conditions, but let's say, in my opinion, compared to fully symmetrical profiles, you cannot compare the ease of flying. Much more important to me than fiddling with switches

Launch, fly.
Adverse yaw, I have to say I haven't noticed or remember

Anyway, this is my view. Keep it simple, but totally opened to debate