Another bit done tonight on the Quark2m,

All formers glued and the bottom sheeting applied.
The next step was to mount the bell crank for the elevator, I had no 4mm tubing at hand therefore I used some metal rods with a plastic cover which I had spare, It proved to be perfect and the system work well.

I used a push rod to connect to the bell crank, an old way to connect control surfaces.
I decided at this stage to build the elevators, again a simple process due to a good design.

The elevators can be removed for transport.

A quick check to see if all is o.k., yes works perfect!
I finished the top sheeting and give the fuselage a good sanding down and removed all the rought edges. Next I will build the cover and add the nose than sand the edges round and smooth.

Build so far, looking good I think :?: :?:
Thats it for now, can't do any more tonight, I have run out of glue :oops: time to call Richard :lol: :lol: