Author Topic: Radio recommendation  (Read 7792 times)


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Radio recommendation
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:12:14 PM »
Hi everyone.

First post on this forum although I've been lurking in the background for a while. :oops:

I've been flying for about two years now without any incidents.  However recently, I've suffered three unexplained crashes (which is three more than the previous two years) where my planes literally rolled onto their backs and fell out of the sky.  I always do a thorough preflight check on the plane and a good range test to make sure everything is ok prior to flight.  I'm currently using a Spektrum DX6i that was faultless up to this point but I'm dubious of it now following the three loss of control incidents.  Furthermore, another one of my planes suffered a partial loss of control and also flipped over and nosedived but I regained control in time to land it in one piece.  I've been flying in the same spot for two years so I don't think its a case of interference (my tx is 2.4ghz).

So I'm now thinking of upgrading my tx to one of the newer "frequency hopping" txs like the Hitec Aurora 9 or the Spektrum DX8 just in case 2.4ghz isn't as "bullet proof" to interference as claimed by the manufacturers.  Has anyone used either and if so, what are the pros/cons of them.

I'm a bit nervous flying at the moment in case I see another wobble in the sky that means my plane is entering a death dive, its akin to driving a car not knowing if the steering wheel is properly afixed to the column :shock:


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Radio recommendation
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 21:41:31 PM »
Hi, and welcome!

I've been using an Aurora 9 for a while now, and I am dead happy.  No real downsides that I can think of.
Chris van Schoor


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Radio recommendation
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 06:46:41 AM »

Look for futaba T8fg , with new software you have a 14 channel radio .
La mouche qui pète ..