Hey Nando, why haven’t I seen you up on the Big L. lately? :?: In fact, why haven't I haven’t seen you for years. :shock: At this rate you’ll be an old man with grey hair by the time we meet up again!
I noticed in that link you just mentioned that the DHT module operates on 6 - 13volts. I assume you’re not going to fly with a 4.8v battery!!
(Just thought I’d mention it, in case you’d overlooked that fact,….in one of your normal drunken modes!!!
That's true Keith.

Problem is the Big L. is a bit far away I'm afraid so that's not too easy to go there often also with the holidays and so on I was a bit away from the island as well.
But I haven't stopped...
Actually I've been dealing with tons of RC projects, with a bit more of free time I'll share some here in the forum. But mostly is related to tricopters, quadrocopters and related software.
Yes I noticed that, but have in mind module is for the radio so there's no problem I'm already using in it a 3S 11.1v LiPo.
I only drink cider and I hardly see someone in drunk mode with cider... i think or maybe I'm already too dru... oh! never mind.
@Fred, when do you think you'll be sharing the prices on those?
I'm definitely interested as I'm almost sure I can combine some of the stuff I've been developing with the FrSky gear.

And congratulations! :clap: